Friday, May 20, 2011

30 Seconds To Mars 'Neither Confirm Nor Deny' Breakup Rumors

Band's comments during MTV Canada interview have fans worried.
By James Montgomery, with reporting by Sasha Hamrogue

30 Seconds To Mars
Photo: Jeff Kravitz/WireImage

Last week, MTV Canada made waves when it reported that 30 Seconds to Mars were set to break up after the conclusion of their 2011 tour (which, judging by the band's current run of shows, should be sometime in early September).

The basis of that report? A few comments the band made in an interview with the channel, the majority of which seemed to be, first and foremost, jokes (especially the part where Jared Leto called his band "old road dogs," drawled about his desire for some iced tea and quoted Outkast). Still, in the time since the story first broke, 30STM have yet to address the rumor, a fact that has stoked the flames of panic among their fanbase.

So, on Friday, when the band taped their "MTV Unplugged," set to air in July, MTV Radio asked them point-blank about the breakup rumors. In keeping with recent form, they were in no mood to talk about it.

"We can neither confirm nor deny these allegations," guitarist Tomo Milicevic said, laughing.

And that was it. It bears mention that the band were equally noncommittal about their future earlier this month, during MTV's "State of the Union" live stream. But, if 30 Seconds to Mars are thinking about calling it quits, you can't blame them. Because, from the sound of things, the past year they've spent promoting their This is War album has not only left them exhausted, but has put their long-term plans — like shooting a video for the album's next single, "Night of the Hunter" — in limbo.

"I would love to make another video. I think if I made another video, it would kill me, because I've been making videos for the past 18 to 20 months," frontman Jared Leto said with a sigh. "When did we start 'Kings and Queens'? October? I may have to go check myself in for some time away if I do another video."

And while the future might be cloudy, right now, 30STM are focused on the present, which means their ongoing tour — and connecting with their fans at each and every point in between. They are "old road dogs" after all, and it's about the only way they know how to live.

"It's a way of life," drummer Shannon Leto said. "Ever since the beginning, we've been interested in the people that were interested in us, and that shared experience has just grown naturally. So, really, it's just another part of who we are. It's just like breathing, in a way."

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